The Sphynx is a natural mutation and is a relatively new breed. In 1966 a domestic cay gave birth to a hairless kitten. It was born, not in Egypt, but in Toronto, Canada. This was the beginning of the Sphynx cat. There have actually been a number of natural-occurring hairless cats around the world. Perhaps one of the oldest was a colony that lived in Mexico many many years ago. It is believed that bloodline went extinct and is not related to today's Sphynx cats. These beautiful cats were created by Mother Nature, not Man. Breeders were attracted to these unusual cats and bred them to coated cats of other breeds. The first generation would produce all coated kittens, but when those hairy cats were bred back to a hairless, some offspring would be hairless. These breedings have continued until today to produce the wonderful naked cats we call the Sphynx.
The Sphynx is a medium sized cat with few health or genetic problems. Breeding cats should be scanned for HCM, a heart disease. Sphynx cats are not totally hairless. Most have a "peach" feeling coat. Some hair is allowed on the face, legs and feet, and tail, Even very naked kittens can develop hair as they mature due to hormones. Other factors that might contribute to hair growth are surrounding temperature, age, and puberty. It is not unusual for a Sphynx to get a bit more hair in the winter or in cold climates, which they usually will lose once the temperature gets warmer.
One of the first questions we are asked is whether they get cold easily. If the room is warm enough for you (around 68-70 degrees), the Sphynx is quite comfortable. No, you do not have to put sweaters on them, although we find our kids love to wear their "sweatshirts" (made from the sleeves of human sweatshirts:). This also helps to keep them clean, as the shirt will absorb much of the oil which is produced naturally by the cat. The more hairless the cat, the more oil they will produce. We do keep "warm spots" in our home for them- heating pads and blankets placed under cat beds on lowest heat setting. They love to burrow into blankets. We often find several cats snuggled in one bed while the ones next to it is empty! Their favorite way to keep warm is to cuddle with each other and their humans. They will bury themselves under your bed covers and stay there all night next to you. One of my favorite things is to curl up on the couch on a cold winter day with 2-3 Sphynx laying next to or on me like little hot water bottles :)
The Sphynx is a medium sized cat with few health or genetic problems. Breeding cats should be scanned for HCM, a heart disease. Sphynx cats are not totally hairless. Most have a "peach" feeling coat. Some hair is allowed on the face, legs and feet, and tail, Even very naked kittens can develop hair as they mature due to hormones. Other factors that might contribute to hair growth are surrounding temperature, age, and puberty. It is not unusual for a Sphynx to get a bit more hair in the winter or in cold climates, which they usually will lose once the temperature gets warmer.
One of the first questions we are asked is whether they get cold easily. If the room is warm enough for you (around 68-70 degrees), the Sphynx is quite comfortable. No, you do not have to put sweaters on them, although we find our kids love to wear their "sweatshirts" (made from the sleeves of human sweatshirts:). This also helps to keep them clean, as the shirt will absorb much of the oil which is produced naturally by the cat. The more hairless the cat, the more oil they will produce. We do keep "warm spots" in our home for them- heating pads and blankets placed under cat beds on lowest heat setting. They love to burrow into blankets. We often find several cats snuggled in one bed while the ones next to it is empty! Their favorite way to keep warm is to cuddle with each other and their humans. They will bury themselves under your bed covers and stay there all night next to you. One of my favorite things is to curl up on the couch on a cold winter day with 2-3 Sphynx laying next to or on me like little hot water bottles :)
The official standard calls for the Sphynx to have quite large ears set not to high nor too low on the head. The eyes should be large and lemon-shaped. Sphynx come in every imaginable color, from solid black and white, to calico, to all colors of tabbies (usually called lynx) to bi-colors (any color with white). Sometimes this makes it VERY hard to tell their exact color, especially as young kittens. Luckily we now have DNA tests which will determine their true color.
Eye color may range from deep blue to aqua to green to yellow-gold. No color or eye color is preferred; it is simply a matter of personal taste.
Eye color may range from deep blue to aqua to green to yellow-gold. No color or eye color is preferred; it is simply a matter of personal taste.
Because of the oils that occur naturally in all cats, and since Sphynx do not hair to absorb it, they need more frequent baths than coated cats. How often your Sphynx may need to be bathed can vary widely from once a week to once a month. Luckily, a bath only takes about 10 minutes and you only need to towel dry them. never use a hair dryer on a hairless cat as it could easily burn their skin. After the bath, be sure to clean the nail beds with a cloth to remove any extra oil there.
Sphynx also need to have their ears cleaned at least once a week, as the oil will accumulate to create a blackish, gooy substance. Many a Vet has misdiagnosed as having ear mites when all they needed was a good ear cleaning. There are several excellent ear-cleaning products on the market. We like Zymox as it also helps prevent ear infections. Put a few drops of cleaner in each ear, wait a few minutes and clean with Q-tips to keep your Sphynx ears clean and healthy.
You need to trim the claws once a week to keep them from getting sharp and scratching both you and your furniture. use whatever clippers you prefer. There are some especially designed for cats that look like little scissors. Some people prefer regular toe nail clippers.
Speaking of scratching on furniture, if you will provide a proper place for you Sphynx to scratch, she will not usually bother with your furniture. Be sure to have at least one good strong cat tree with some sisal covering on it. You can also use sisal rugs. Even the "Welcome" mats that have sisal covering work well to give your kitten a safe place to scratch.
Because of the oils that occur naturally in all cats, and since Sphynx do not hair to absorb it, they need more frequent baths than coated cats. How often your Sphynx may need to be bathed can vary widely from once a week to once a month. Luckily, a bath only takes about 10 minutes and you only need to towel dry them. never use a hair dryer on a hairless cat as it could easily burn their skin. After the bath, be sure to clean the nail beds with a cloth to remove any extra oil there.
Sphynx also need to have their ears cleaned at least once a week, as the oil will accumulate to create a blackish, gooy substance. Many a Vet has misdiagnosed as having ear mites when all they needed was a good ear cleaning. There are several excellent ear-cleaning products on the market. We like Zymox as it also helps prevent ear infections. Put a few drops of cleaner in each ear, wait a few minutes and clean with Q-tips to keep your Sphynx ears clean and healthy.
You need to trim the claws once a week to keep them from getting sharp and scratching both you and your furniture. use whatever clippers you prefer. There are some especially designed for cats that look like little scissors. Some people prefer regular toe nail clippers.
Speaking of scratching on furniture, if you will provide a proper place for you Sphynx to scratch, she will not usually bother with your furniture. Be sure to have at least one good strong cat tree with some sisal covering on it. You can also use sisal rugs. Even the "Welcome" mats that have sisal covering work well to give your kitten a safe place to scratch.
Although tey are considered hypoallergenic, Many people who are allergic to hairy cats can live comfortably with the Sphynx.
In summary, it is the personality of this wonderful breed that makes them so special. We can sit for hours just watching them play and perform, then look at you to be sure you are watching:). They are super loving and devoted, usually preferring human company to that of other cats or pets. I have been a breeder for over 30 years, and the Sphynx has totally stolen my heart.
Feel free to contact us for more information on our naked babies. We love to show them off!!!
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